When entering into this Art and Ecology summer course, I was infatuated with this concept that seems to be present in so many aspects of life. The infinity symbol is used in math to represent a pattern of a never ending sequence of numbers. It is also the shape that is made if the sun is measured every single day for a year in a particular place. It seems so interesting because of the initial habit for use to think that things are cyclical. I became enamored by the idea that things do not function in a line or a circle, but rather in the same pattern as infinity.
How I decided to relate this to ecology was to create this symbol on a vacant lot in the University neighborhood. Using the site where one of the oldest houses in Albuquerque once stood, some dedicated friends of mine and I constructed a rock sculpture in the shape of infinity. Being about 40 feet long and 15 feet wide, this is relatively hard to miss on a pleasant stroll down the street. I also chose to build here because of a guerilla movement that was already in action. People had created a "seed shrine" near a tree on the corner of the lot. More and more people began to contribute to this shrine and I thought, what a great idea if we could plant those seeds and create a community space.
So far we have had three work days and I have recruited about seventeen people to help when they have the time. Although the ground is arid and nearly concrete, we are determined to rebuild the soil and plant sun-resistent crops like corn and sunflowers. The dream is alive and we can't wait to keep working. I've created a facebook page where I will post updates on the progress and hopefully attract more followers. It was a great experiene for me to put this concept of infinity into something tangible, yet still holding on to the mystical idea that things continue forever in a peculiar, yet undeniable, cycle.
Check out this video about the Infinity Garden on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/69775023
Also, if you're interested, follow the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Infinity-Garden/145422755652609

UNM Art Studio 389 / 429 / 529. This course provides a context in which students can build on the collective knowledge and experience being developed within the university and local communities and to combine the pragmatic, ecological, and social dimensions of creating urban food gardens with artistic invention and critical, expansive thinking. This blog is a space for posting thoughts, ideas, references, resources, and works.
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